About Us
Mission & Vision
Our Mission: “We are a gospel-centered church who glorify God by living in authentic Christian community with one another, growing in spiritual maturity as disciples of Jesus, and serving the world missionally with the love of Christ.”
Our Vision: “To make disciples who reach all of St. Louis and beyond with the good news of Jesus.”
Who We Are
Every church should be gospel-centered, God-glorifying, community-focused, discipleship-driven, missions-minded and Bible-rooted. But healthy churches differ in their distinctive cultures and personalities. So what makes West Hills… West Hills?
We’re not a “big church”, where you get lost in the crowd. But we’re also not a “small church”, where your kids are all alone in their Sunday school class. We’re not an “elderly church”, where there’s no youth or vitality; but we’re also not a “young church”, where there’s little stability or wisdom. We’re just a really balanced church.
The Bible says that every member of the church body has a vital role to play, so we warn people at our newcomer class here: if you stick around, we’re gonna plug you in. Between small groups, volunteering, serving outside West Hills - almost our entire church is actively involved somewhere; most of them in multiple ministries.
There can be a social pressure here in West County to appear like you live a picture-perfect life. Yet Jesus said he came not for the healthy, but for the sick. His grace frees us to be radically honest about our sin, and our utter need for a Savior. So at West Hills, we don’t “shrink the cross” by pretending we have it all together; we bring our real selves, warts and all, trusting that we find healing and hope in Christ.
We don’t water down the gospel here, to try and stay relevant in an increasingly secular society. Jesus calls us to “go make disciples… teaching them to observe ALL that he has commanded us.” So we preach the whole counsel of God here, and we want to make disciples, who are going and making disciples.
West Hills is an evangelical, Reformed church located in the very center of St. Louis (Town and Country). We are proud to partner with the following church networks:
Evangelical Free Church of America
The Gospel Coalition
What We Believe
“But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine” -Titus 2:1
The apostles who wrote the New Testament spend the vast majority of their letters teaching us what constitutes “sound doctrine”. When they aren’t doing that, they are reminding us of the importance of holding fast to sound doctrine. We take these exhortations to heart at West Hills. Click HERE for a comprehensive list of our core biblical beliefs.
What To Expect
Here’s what you can expect to experience during worship services at West Hills:
Dress: You will see everything from coats with ties to jeans with tee-shirts. We aren’t all that concerned with how you look on the outside; we try and keep the focus where God does – on the heart (1 Sam. 16:7b).
Music: You will hear everything from timeless hymns to the best of what’s on the radio (and even some songs too cool for the radio). Are you a belt-it-out, “hand-raiser”? You’ll fit right in. More of the quiet, meditate-on-the-lyrics type? You’ll feel at home too.
Length: We offer two identical 75-minute services, which begin at 9:00am and 10:45am.
You’ll see lots of hugging and lengthy catching up between people dressed very differently. You’ll hear lots of joyful exaltation during every song we sing. And we bet you’ll leave feeling blessed, personally cared for, and recharged for another week’s worth of worship.
Our Leadership
Our Elders
Will DuVal
Todd Gienke
Austin Gooch
Eric Maupin
Mike Pijut
Thad Yessa
Brad Young
Our Staff
Will DuVal // Lead Pastor
Thad Yessa // Pastor of Youth & Connections
Brian Wells // Pastor of Worship and Creative Arts
Austin Gooch // Pastor of Operations & Missions
Ally Tewell // Early Childhood Ministry Director
Carol Sickmeier // Office Manager
Holly Snyder // Elementary Children's Ministry Director
Our Deacons
Sallie Arvison // Senior's Ministry
Andrew and Cassidy Campbell // Hospitality
Mark Henderlong // Finance
Bill and Ana Konyk // Corporate Prayer
Aaron Stewart // Men's Ministry
Terry Weaver // Mercy Ministry
Bryan West // Facilities
Nikki Yessa // Women's Ministry
Entry Point
We get it – being new at a church can feel like a lot to take in! That’s why we designed Entry Point, a one-stop shop for you to get answers to all your questions about West Hills. Want to find out more information about a particular ministry or area you’d like to serve in? How we spend your tithes and offerings? What makes West Hills different from every other church you will visit? Let’s talk! Pastor Thad leads Entry Point the second Sunday of every other month, from 10:45 - Noon during our second service. Following Entry Point, all participants are invited to stay and have lunch with our other pastors and elders. For more information and to sign up, contact us.