“Partnering with families to introduce kids to the gospel and disciple them in God’s love.”
We’ve all heard it before – “Our children are our greatest treasure, because they are the future of the church”. But these are more than just words to us. Kids are our passion. Each Sunday at West Hills, your child will see the gospel on display in their very own interactive kids’ worship service through songs, videos, games, crafts, biblical teaching, and most importantly, the Word of God itself. Our ultimate aim is that every child at West Hills would come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior, and lay the foundation for a growing faith that will last a lifetime.
We know this means discipling kids can’t just be a “Sunday thing”. So our central focus is supporting our parents in their 24/7, God-given roles as the spiritual caregivers in the home.
For more information, contact our Early Childhood Ministry Director Ally Tewell.
Looking for more info on VBS this summer? Follow this link!
“Preparing students for adulthood by equipping them with a biblical worldview and challenging them to own and grow into a faith of their own.”
West Hills Youth exists to partner with parents in helping students ignite a passion to follow Jesus. Our vision is to give students a place to belong, grow, and multiply within their community while developing a biblical worldview. Ultimately, we want to help students love God and love others. At West Hills Youth, we judge our success not by how many students are on our couches, but by how many of those students will be in the pews 10… 20… years from now.
We meet Sundays at 9:00AM in room 105 and Wednesdays from 6:00-8:00PM in the Doxa for dinner, fellowship, worship, prayer, teaching/discussion, and yes, even some games just for fun.
For more information, contact Pastor Thad.
Young Adults
“We exist to reach the lost with the good news of the gospel and to ignite a passion to follow Jesus in young adults.”
The Young Adult Ministry of West Hills meets Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm to worship the Lord through the study of His word, singing His praise and small group discussion/prayer time. We long to root young adults in intentional, Christ-centered community.
For more information, contact Pastor Brian.
Life Groups
“Living life together… Growing in faith together… Serving our world together.”
We are inherently relational beings, designed to live life together with others (Gen. 1:26). The Church needs solid, Biblical teaching. But it also needs engaged, collective Bible study, discussion, and application, combined with real life-on-life sharing, prayer, and accountability. At West Hills, life groups are uniquely designed to meet these needs. For us, life groups aren’t an optional, “add-on” to our calling to be the Church; they are an essential part of our actually being the Church, the ideal context for putting into practice all 44 of the New Testament “one another” exhortations. Life groups meet weekly in homes all over the St. Louis area, on almost every evening of the week (so we’re sure we can find a fit for you!). Over three quarters of West Hillians are involved in a life group, and we would love to have you come live, grow, and serve with us!
For more information, contact Pastor Thad.
Discipleship Groups
“Connecting God’s people in intimate relationships for Bible study, accountability, and prayer.”
Whereas Life Groups are coed groups of 8-12 people, D-groups are gendered groups of 3-5 men / women, allowing for even more personal life-on-life sharing and sharpening. Some groups are structured around mentoring / discipling relationships where one member leads the others (1 Corinthians 11:1); other groups are more mutual “iron sharpening iron” (Proverbs 27:17). Some groups cultivate internal community amongst West Hillians (1 John 4:21); other groups focus outsidethe church walls, in pursuit of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). As long as you are growing in your love of God and others through your D-group, we’ll consider it a success!
For more information, contact Pastor Thad.
Adult Bible Classes
“Equipping God’s people be effective, joyful disciples of Jesus Christ through the teaching and application of God’s Word.”
During the school year (August through May), we offer a selection of classes at 9:00 and 10:45 a.m. on Sunday mornings covering topics ranging from “The Book of Romans” to “Apologetics & Evangelism”, from “Prayers in the Psalms” to “Parenting 101”. Every class includes Biblical teaching, interactive discussion, enjoyable fellowship, and practical application of Scripture to daily life.
For more information and a current listing of our classes, contact Pastor Will.
To listen to recent classes, follow this link!
“Equipping and encouraging men to become the Christ-like leaders God has created us to be, by becoming the committed followers that He has called us to be.”
Our culture tells men to be independent, self-sufficient, and stoic through struggles. Our faith, on the other hand, instructs us to “love one another with brotherly affection” (Romans 12:10), to “bear one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2), and to “trust in the Lord,” not ourselves (Proverbs 3:5). We encourage this in men’s ministry by providing 3 different ways for men to connect with one other: 1) Fellowship/Service – organized occasions to watch a big game, play some pickup basketball, or meet a need in the church together. 2) Men’s breakfast – a monthly gathering for devotional study, prayer, and relationship (and bacon!). 3) Leadership Training – a high level, weekly discipleship program for guys who want to go deepest in their faith and in their accountability relationships with other guys.
“Equipping and encouraging ladies to become the women of faith God has created us to be, by becoming the committed followers that He has called us to be.”
Our culture sends very conflicting messages about women – they are either led to believe they aren’t “equals”, or that being “equal” must mean being the solo captain of your own ship. Scripture, however, teaches that women are of equal and infinite value to God, even as they (and we all!) are called to submit to His Lordship over their lives. We take a 2-track approach to connecting women to the Lord and one another: 1) Fellowship – we meet monthly for different fun outings, simply to enjoy one another’s company and build relationships in the church; 2) Leadership Training – a high level, weekly discipleship program for ladies who want to go deepest in their faith and in their accountability relationships with other women.
“Building and strengthening relationships amongst our seniors to help support, care and grow one another in Christ.”
We live in a culture that worships youth and fears aging. But Scripture informs us that “gray hair is a crown of glory” (Proverbs 16:31), and that these can be one’s most life-giving years, if lived well for God’s glory (Psalm 92:14). Senior’s luncheon meets monthly for food, laughter, and prayer, and provides an opportunity for our ‘older saints’ to be more closely connected in faith and friendship. Activities include conversation, games, music and supporting ministries and needs of others inside and outside our church.
“That Christ may be glorified throughout the world by His people’s obedience to the Great Commission.”
West Hills is blessed to support and serve alongside over a dozen church planters and missionaries both domestically and worldwide, partnering with them in our collective calling to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Specifically, we challenge every believer at West Hills with our “5 E’s” of missions: 1) EDUCATE with Biblical teaching on global missions, 2) EQUIP with an enlarged vision for global missions, 3) ENLIST support for our missionaries through prayer, 4) ENCOURAGE financial support, and 5) ENGAGE personally with our own unique opportunities to go, witness, and serve.
For more information about ANY of our opportunities to serve, or if you know of a need we might be able to help meet, please contact our church office.
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (1 Peter 4:10)
When Jesus commissioned the apostles, he sent them to “all Judea and Samaria,” and ultimately “to the end of the earth,” but significantly, the mission starts right where they are already planted “in Jerusalem” (Acts 1:8). Similarly, at West Hills we believe that before we can be a blessing to “all peoples on earth” (Acts 3:25), we have to faithfully serve one another right here at home. Fortunately, we’ve got LOTS of ways for you to do that! In addition to volunteering with the various ministries already mentioned on this site, West Hillians serve each week in dozens of other ways, from the Welcome team to the Worship team, the Fellowship team to the Finance team. No matter what your passion in ministry, we’ll find a place for you to serve!