Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” - Matthew 9:37-38.
Oasis International
Oasis International loves and cares for those seeking refuge from war-torn countries with the heart of Jesus
Compassion International
Compassion are child advocates, dedicated to releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name. They empower local churches to love, care for and protect children in poverty so they're free to learn, grow, play and dream.
Reach Reproductive Health
Reach exists to see babies saved and families transformed by the power of Christ, reflecting the love of
Jesus and honoring the dignity of every individual in the process.
Outreach: FFCS
Fellowship of Former Christian Scientists connects people with a background in Christian Science and those who walk alongside them with Christ-centered resources, care and community.
Good Neighbor Program
The “Love the Refugee” portion of Good Neighbor is a program created in partnership with St. Louis Metro and Oasis International and is open to members of churches connected with either of these organizations.
LOVEtheLOU seeks to enrich lives and environments in North St. Louis by creating where there is nothing, healing where there is brokenness, and joining where there is good.
International Students
Each year, over 1 million international students attend our universities and colleges across the United States. God is bringing the nations to us – let us help you reach them!
Outreach: Local Muslims
There are over 100,000 Muslims in the St. Louis region and 22 mosques. Find out about local outreach to this community.
We believe that prayer movements precede gospel movements. Click below to see how you can be praying for our missionaries, missions partners, and salvation of the lost.
Safe Families for Children
Safe Families for Children seeks to bring the church and community together to keep children safe and families together.
Life Team
The Life Team is responsible for equipping the church in the fight for life. Opportunities include partnership with Reach Reproductive, soul-care and sidewalk ministry.