“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (1 Peter 4:10)
When Jesus commissioned the apostles, he sent them to “all Judea and Samaria,” and ultimately “to the end of the earth,” but significantly, the mission starts right where they are already planted “in Jerusalem” (Acts 1:8). Similarly, at West Hills we believe that before we can be a blessing to “all peoples on earth” (Acts 3:25), we have to faithfully serve one another right here at home. Fortunately, we’ve got LOTS of ways for you to do that! In addition to volunteering with the various ministries already mentioned on this site, West Hillians serve each week in dozens of other ways, from the Welcome team to the Worship team, the Fellowship team to the Finance team. No matter what your passion in ministry, we’ll find a place for you to serve!
“That Christ may be glorified throughout the world by His people’s obedience to the Great Commission.”
West Hills is blessed to support and serve alongside over a dozen church planters and missionaries both domestically and worldwide, partnering with them in our collective calling to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Specifically, we challenge every believer at West Hills with our “5 E’s” of missions: 1) EDUCATE with Biblical teaching on global missions, 2) EQUIP with an enlarged vision for global missions, 3) ENLIST support for our missionaries through prayer, 4) ENCOURAGE financial support, and 5) ENGAGE personally with our own unique opportunities to go, witness, and serve.
For more information about ANY of our opportunities to serve, or if you know of a need we might be able to help meet, please contact our church office.